Classical massage: 60min

Classical massage is an ancient traditional form of muscle therapy suitable for everybody, all ages and situations.

Massage relaxes and reduces tension in the muscles and helps to improve metabolism, blood circulation and get rid the metabolic waste of the body. 

Massage is also suitable as a muscle recovery treatment after sport.

Massage can use cley/peet deepheat packs to relax tissues and trigger point and fascia treatment as part of the massage therapy.

Each massage is individually designed according to the client's current body condition.

65.00 €

Classic massage + relaxing deep heat clay/peat heat pack treatment: 60min:

Classic massage + relaxing deep heat clay/peat heat pack treatment: 60min: The massage starts with a traditional deep clay/peat heat pack treatment: covering the whole back. The heat packs are +60celcius warm and weight 5kg and they effectively relaxes tense/stressed muscles. Classical massage is an ancient traditional muscle treatment suitable for all ages and abilities. Massage relaxes and reduces tension in the muscles and helps improve metabolism, circulation and put slags into circulation in the body. Massage is also suitable as a muscle recovery treatment after sport. Trigger point and fascia (stretching of the muscle membranes) can also be used in massage to release tension. Each massage is individually designed according to the client's current body condition.

75.00 €

Classic massage + relaxing deep heat clay/peat heat pack treatment: 90min:

Classic massage + relaxing deep heat clay/peat heat pack treatment: 90min: The massage starts with a traditional deep clay/peat heat pack treatment: covering the whole back. The heat packs are +60celcius warm and weight 5kg and they effectively relaxes tense/stressed muscles. Classical massage is an ancient traditional muscle treatment suitable for all ages and abilities. Massage relaxes and reduces tension in the muscles and helps improve metabolism, circulation and put slags into circulation in the body. Massage is also suitable as a muscle recovery treatment after sport. Trigger point and fascia (stretching of the muscle membranes) can also be used in massage to release tension. Each massage is individually designed according to the client's current body condition.

105.00 €